This article is particularly important to me! Just like every one I write… but seriously, if you knew how the Sun influences my well-being and my present throughout my daily life, maybe you’d understand the reason I started this article this way.
The Sun is my love, literally. I can’t live without its energy, its heat and its soothing effect.
The Sun and I work in harmony. When it honors us with its light, I always feel safe and I see life through rose-colored glasses. The Sun is my source of energy, it gives me wings, and it makes me feel alive and inspired. The Sun sustains me mentally and physically: it restores my soul, it brings me warmth and comfort. In this way, it cares for me by sharing everything it is.
Sunshine is the best medicine. Cautiously, one sunbathe a day keeps the doctor away! For a glowing healthy looking skin, no one can deny its revitalizing effect – especially not women! Once again, inside and out, the Sun will make you feel radiant. A ray of sunshine – especially UVB – helps the body synthesize vitamin D3, which is essential for good health. It has the ability to improve the skin’s elasticity, restore its youth and protect it against dangers that come from outside.
Many suffer from vitamin D deficiency for which sunlight is the best remedy. It is vital for the proper development of bones and teeth. It prevents illnesses such as osteoporosis and rickets by improving the fixation of calcium in the bones. In addition to playing a key role in cell development, vitamin D fortifies the immune system; therefore, it reduces the incidence of catching a cold, other viruses or diseases like cancer. Finally, it influences over 200 genes.
Did you know the sunlight also stimulates the secretion of melatonin? This hormone improves the quality of your sleep hence, the rhythm of your life and your psychological balance. How is this possible? Light affects the level of melatonin in your system: decreasing it by day and increasing it by night. So the daylight will enable you to be active and motivated and then, after dusk, have a good night’s sleep.
Endorphin levels also change and rise with the Sun. These are natural antidepressants. Endorphins are responsible for happiness and pleasure thus they will lift your spirit and calm your anxiety.
Seasonal affective disorder, also known as seasonal depression, is a common mood disorder which results from the lack of sunlight notably during the winter, when there are fewer hours of daylight. Its different causes include the rise and the fall of the levels of melatonin and endorphins secreted.
Despite the fact that the Sun is the star around which the earth orbits, it is one of those things we take for granted and for which we are never quite grateful enough.
In my opinion, it is one of our best assets. Taking advantage of it demands no effort and is completely free.
According to me, abundance is the word that best describes the Sun.
What’s your relationship to it?
Thank you,
Translation by Emilie Marceau-Briggs